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Public Health

Research in environmental/occupational epidemiology requires an interdisciplinary approach.

Image Resources

NOTE: Copyrighted images should be used only for limited educational purposes, such as your peer teaching presentation. Even when images are not copyrighted, the source of the image should be included in your slide.
  • Atlases of the Brain   The atlases include brain and spinal cord images and MRIs of the brain. Content is freely available for non-profit use by health science educators. Interactive features allow the user to request an outline of structures or a quiz on the image content.
  • BioText   Search:
    • Full Text & Abstracts   
    • Figure Captions
    • Images
    • Tables 
    From 300 journals, 40,000 articles, 100,000 figures, and 60,000 tables found in articles archived in PubMed Central.
    CELLS Alive!   Cells Alive! provides basic cell biology, microbiology, and immunology videos, micrographs and diagrams. The images are available for use in lectures and handouts and for other nonprofit, educational use with some important exceptions. Using Materials from CELLS Alive!
  • DermAtlas: Dermatology Image Atlas   Dermatlas is made available by Johns Hopkins University. There are currently over 4,900 images submitted by more than 180 contributors in the database. Users can search by categories, diagnoses, or body sites. Images are copyrighted by Dermatlas, but may be used freely for teaching purposes. Please review restrictions on use.
  • eMedicine World Medical Library  Select "emedicine" under the search box. Search your topic, then look for the Multimedia link in the article. Not all topics include a Multimedia link.
  • Google Images  Some images are for purchase and download.
  • Hardin MD Medical Pictures and Disease Pictures  Free photos of medical conditions, diseases, and health conditions from the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences of the University of Iowa. 
  • HEAL  (Health Education Assets Library) is a digital library that provides freely accessible digital teaching resources of the highest quality that meet the needs of today's health sciences educators and learners.
  • Health Communication Materials Network  An international network of professionals specializing in the development and use of health communication materials - pamphlets, posters, video, radio, novelty items, flipcharts, cue cards, training materials, electronic media, etc. based from Johns Hopkins University.
  • HON Health on the Net Media Gallery  This media gallery is put together by the Health on the Net Foundation, an international body that seeks to encourage ethical provision of online health information. The media gallery is indexed by body part and includes images of medical conditions and procedures.
  • Images from the History of Medicine  Produced by the National Library of Medicine, this database contains nearly 60,000 images from the library's History of Medicine Division. The works digitized here include prints, lithographs, engravings, etchings, woodcarvings, and paintings.
  • Images from The National Institutes of Health Most of the images are not copyrighted, and just require attribution. 
  • Internet Atlas of Histology   The COM-UIUC Atlas of Histology contains over 1000, labeled, histological images with accompanying functional descriptions. Interactive features allow the user to change magnification and examine areas of interest in great detail. Some images include a mouse-over function: when the mouse pointer is over a labeled object, that object is highlighted, its name is pronounced, and its identity is given in a drop-down menu.
  • SkinsightProvides high-quality, current health information on a variety of health topics for consumers.

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