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Library Tools: LibKey Nomad and BrowZine

Do you find locating full text articles frustrating? Do you wonder what else is out there in the medical literature? Two tools, LibKey Nomad and BrowZine can help! LibKey Nomad is a browser add-on that simplifies finding full text, and BrowZine is an easy-to-use platform that you can use to discover new journals in your area of research, as well as stay up-to-day on current publications.

Finding Full Text with LibKey Nomad

Staying Current with BrowZine

Discover New Journals with BrowZine

Using EZProxy to Create Links to Library Resources

Library resources are proxied in order to properly authenticate CU Anschutz students, faculty, and staff. A proxy forces the user (whether off campus or using the campus WiFi) to authenticate as an active CU Anschutz student, faculty, or staff member in order to access library materials. This makes sure only our users have access.

Here is the CU Anschutz Medical Campus Strauss Health Sciences Library's proxy prefix:

From off campus, you may notice a proxy prefix on URLs for licensed resources.
For example, this link to Web of Science:

Library Link Generator (for

Tips for using the link generator:

  • You do not need to do this for freely available sites (such as Google) or links that already begin with
  • If you have EZproxy translated addresses like https:// this will fix them
  • This tool requires JavaScript enabled in your browser to work
  • Always test your links before sharing

1. Copy and paste your source URL here:

2. Click this:

3. Copy, use, and share the resulting link

URL Encoding

As you look at URLs for library resources, you will typically see many encoded URLs (these typically have a lot of % signs and other characters hard for us to read). For example the text string http:// may show up as http%3a%2f%2f.

If you want a shorter a URL there are many great, free websites (like Meyerweb URL Decoder/Encoder) that can decode or encode URLs as you like. Although encoding is often done for web security reasons, for most end users, URLs whether encoded or not should not affect the proxy function (if proxy is included on the link) nor should encoding affect the ability of URLs to link correctly to their destinations.

URL Shorteners

URL shorteners (such as and are really just aliases for real URLs. They can be used for proxied URLs, however it should be noted that "URLs are not forever" and shortened links may provide even less information for users if and when the link fails than "real" unmodified URLs.