Below is a short list of the top resources for dental medicine. For a listing of all library databases, see the complete A-Z Databases list.
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.
To learn more about using PubMed visit PubMed Tutorials.
Create an account:
Step 1: Click on "Log in" in the upper right corner of the PubMed homepage.
Step 2: At the bottom, click "New here? Sign up."
Step 3: Again, at the bottom, click “more sign up options.”
Step 4: In the search box, type “Anschutz” and it will bring up “University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus.” This will allow you to create an account with your CU Anschutz credentials. After you graduate you can change your account to be linked to another account such as a Google or ORCID account.
To learn more about creating and customizing your NCBI account, watch this video.
Contains Critically Appraised Topics (CATs), which are brief evidence-based summaries focused on oral health research. Dentists, dental students, and educators use it to quickly access concise evaluations of current research on dental treatments and clinical practices.
ClinicalKey provides access to journals, ebooks, practice guidelines, patient education, drugs, multimedia, and instructional videos on medical procedures, including content from MD Consult and First Consult. To download e-book chapters you must register for and sign in to a free personal account.
To learn more about using ClinicalKey visit the Resource Center.
Embase is a comprehensive biomedical database covering key international literature from 1947 to present, including conference abstracts and papers, searchable via Advanced Search by publication type.
To learn more about using Embase visit Embase Video Tutorials and/or Elsevier's Embase FAQs.
The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library offers access to a third of the world's electrical engineering and computer science literature, including publications from IEEE and IEE, with coverage extending to dental materials. Limited to 5 Concurrent Users – if you are unable to access please try again later
Tools to identify medications, look up drug interactions and compatibilities, and make comparisons.
Micromedex® includes, CareNotes®, DRUGDEX®, DRUG-REAX®, IDENTIDEX®, IV INDEX®, Index Nominum, Martindale, NeoFax®, PDR®, POISINDEX®, REPRORISK®, USP DI®, DISEASEDEX®, TOMES®, Lab Advisor®, and Alternative Medicine databases.
NOTE: NeoFax® works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge
Need to find an article that Strauss Health Sciences Library doesn't have access to? You can use ILLiad to request it. If you've never used ILLiad before, watch this short video for more information.